Tom Swaine Trophy

The Tom Swaine Trophy is awarded each year to a member of Gloucestershire Beekeepers who has done outstanding work for his/her branch and also for the County.

The Trophy was introduced in 1981 and was first awarded to Mrs Rosie Bradley of the Stroud Branch.

Below is a list of all the members who have received the Trophy.

1981 Mrs Rosie BRADLEY BEM (Stroud)
1983 Mr John CUSS (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
1984 Mr Martin HAWKES (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
1985 Mrs Erika COX
1986 Mr Philip OLIVER (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
1887 Mr Don STREATFIELD (South Glos)
1988 Mr & Mrs Arthur TAYLOR (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
1989 Mr Michael HUNT (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
1990 Mr Robin HOOPER (Newent)
1991 Mr J.JONES
1992 Mr Robin HALL (Dean Forest)
1994 Mr Eric DRINKWATER (North Cotswold)
1995 Mr Richard BUTTERFIELD (South Glos)
1996 Mr Eric DRINKWATER (North Cotswold)
1997 Mr John KITTO (Newent)
1998 Mr Mike GIVENS (Stroud)
1999 Mr Len DIXON (Forest of Dean)
2000 Mr Michael HUNT (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
2001 Mr Alan IACOPI (Cheltenham and Gloucester) Mr Roger GRAIL (Dean Forest)
2002 Mrs Annie ELLIS (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
2004 Mr Eric DRINKWATER (North Cotswold)
2005 Mrs Denise LYNE (Dean Forest)
2006 Mr Norman TRAFFORD (Newent)
2007 Mr Cyril SMALLWOOD (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
2008 Mrs Fran HAIDON (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
2009 Mr Geoff DAVIS (Cheltenham and Gloucester)
2010 Mr Ian CALDWELL (Newent)
2011 Mr Bernie DANVERS (Newent)
2012 Mrs Val VIVIAN-GRIFFITHS (Dean Forest)
2013 Mr Chris WELLS (North Cotswold)
2014 Liz GARDNER (Cirencester and District)
2015 Brian CLARKE (Cheltenham & Gloucester)
2018 Krysia KOLODZIEJEK, Dave KENNEDY, Angie HORLICK (Dean Forest) and Mike HUNT (Cheltenham & Gloucester)
2019 John WOODLOCK (Cheltenham & Gloucester)
2020 Pat BROWN (Stroud)
2021 Mike FORSTER (Cheltenham & Gloucester)
2022 John STEVENS (Cirencester)
2023 Marin ANASTASOV (Stroud)
2024 Norman ROPER (Newent)

Nominating a GBKA member for the award

The aim of the award process is to be fair, objective and therefore equal to all.

A person is nominated because it is considered by members of a local branch of GBKA that he/she in the interest of their aim and objectives, has consistently performed at a level above and beyond that which is regarded as standard, both within the branch and county.

A member may only be awarded the trophy once.

Nominations are first presented at branch AGMs where a vote is taken.

The successful candidates go forward for consideration by the County Executive in advance of its AGM, at which the award is presented.

Nomination Process at Branch Level

To nominate a member for the award, a Proposer and Seconder should complete the Nomination form, which takes just a matter of minutes to complete, and send it to the Secretary of the member’s Branch before their AGM.

Note: Proposer and seconder must not be a partner or relative.

Consideration of nomination/s and a vote via a show of hands will then take place at the Branch AGM. The Secretary should then confirm that the nomination wishes his/her name to go forward. Having done this, the nomination forms for the successful candidates will be forwarded to the County Secretary for distribution and consideration, in advance of the January County Executive meeting, where they will be voted upon.

Voting Process at County Level

In the event of a nominated individual being present at the County Executive at which the vote is to be taken he/she should leave the room whilst the voting takes place.

The vote is conducted through a show of hands for each nomination.