The 2024 Three Counties Show will be held at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, from Friday 14th to Sunday 16th June. The event continues to be one of the premier shows in the country with around 4,500 livestock entries 3,000 equine entries and a customer base of around 90,000 over three days.
The Bees and Honey show is organised by the three county beekeeping associations of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. This year Worcestershire is organising the main display with the theme of ‘The Beekeeping Year’. In addition to the honey show, there will be a variety of exhibits to promote beekeeping including observation hives and regular live bee displays (weather permitting) on each of the three days.

The Bees and Honey Show schedule for adults or children to enter the Three Counties Honey Show is now available:
There are multiple sections open to entries from across the UK as well as specialist classes for exhibitors within the three counties of Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. Entry to the show can be made online at . Please note that the closing date for applications using the entry form is the 15th May 2024 and if you have any further queries please direct them to Liz Voyce (Organiser) via 07717 708860 or Ben Peer (
For more information about the Show visit the Three Counties Show website