A review of the the Healthy Bees Plan (2009) and the new Plan (2030) have now been published.
Honey bees are susceptible to a variety of threats, including pests and diseases, the likelihood and consequences of which have increased significantly in recent years.
The plan aims to address the challenges facing beekeepers and bee farmers and is aimed at sustaining the health of honey bees and beekeeping in England and Wales over the next decade. It builds on the previous Healthy Bees Plan which allowed government, beekeepers and bee farmers to develop ways of working together, helped improve the NBU’s knowledge of beekeepers and built on existing education and training programmes carried out by associations. The plan describes the four main outcomes we want to achieve, working with individual beekeepers and bee farmers, their associations and other stakeholders.
These are:
Effective biosecurity and good standards of husbandry, to minimise pest and disease risks and so improve the sustainability of honey bee populations;
Enhanced skills and production capability/capacity of beekeepers and bee farmers;
Sound science and evidence underpinning the actions taken to support bee health; and
Increased opportunities for knowledge exchange and partnership working on honey bee health and wider pollinator needs.
The plan also identifies ways in which government, beekeepers, bee farmers, their associations and other stakeholders will work together to achieve these aims. Continued strong partnership working with interested parties is essential if current and evolving threats to bee health are to be successfully identified and addressed.