If anyone gets stung by a bee they will find that it hurts, which is hardly surprising as bees have had millions of years to perfect an effective defence mechanism. Unlike wasps, which have carnivorous young, bees aren’t out to kill you; they want you to go away. A bee usually gets ripped in half when it stings and the sting remains in the victim with a poison sac that continues to pump venom for several minutes. The smell from this attracts other bees and provokes them into stinging the same site. This hurts even more. So it is best to get the message and either go away and stop upsetting them, or mask the smell from the sting with something else e.g. smoke. In any case it is advised that the sting be removed as soon as possible. Scraping the skin as opposed to pulling it out can do this.
Depending on a person’s sensitivity, the area can become swollen and tender for several days. Some relief can be gained from painkillers, soothing creams or just keeping the area cool. However if breathing difficulties, confusion, swelling that restricts breathing, or loss of consciousness occurs, this is a medical emergency and an ambulance must be called at once.
There is lots more information available out there so try www.britishbee.org.uk/sting_information.php or the NHS atwww.nhs.uk/livewell/summerhealth/pages/stings.aspx or search for Bee Stings on wikipedia which has as much information as you probably want to know.
1) Wear lots of clothing when you go near bees, especially boots to stop them climbing up a trouser leg.
2) Keep less aggressive bees.
3) Try not to go near them when conditions are unfavourable, e.g. wet, cold or thundery.