About us

A warm welcome to Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association – GBKA – which is a registered charity (CIO, no. 1206843) with the principal object of promoting and furthering the craft of beekeeping. GBKA has been doing this for over 100 years and has members all over the county and from neighbouring counties. New members (all ages) – whether complete beginners or experienced beekeepers – are all welcome to join.

Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association

The seven branches (Cheltenham and Gloucester,  Cirencester and District,  Dean Forest,  Newent,  North Cotswold,  South Gloucestershire  and  Stroud) within GBKA carry on most beekeeping activities. Each branch runs its own programme of lectures, talks, training sessions and apiary sessions. Members may attend all the meetings and events organised by any of the seven branches.

To find information about our branches and how to contact them go to Joining GBKA.

GBKA is a member organisation of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) so our full members are automatically BBKA members too. The BBKA provides a wide range of services to beekeepers including insurance, information, newsletters, examination programmes and legal advice, as well as promoting beekeeping. See the BBKA website for the full range of its services, including downloadable information leaflets and articles.

GBKA is also affiliated to the Midlands and South West Counties Convention.

Officers of the Association

PresidentChairVice Chair
Michael HuntRobert Snowdon
John Cockerill
Hon. Gen. SecretaryHon. Treasurer
Marin Anastasov
The Cross, 1 West End,
David Miller

Executive Committee

BranchBranch DelegatesTreasurers
Cheltenham & GloucesterIan HazlemDavid Miller
Dean ForestRobert SnowdonGeoff Lloyd
NewentBernie DanversTony Capener
North CotswoldSarah FoulkesJulia Edwards
Cirencester & districtMel AndrewsGeoff Cox
South GloucestershireMarcus HartDavid Hardie-Brown
StroudJohn CockerillCherry McClarron
Examinations Sec &
Auctions Contact
Delegate to the
MSWCC Delegate
Bernie Danvers
120a Ruspidge Road
GL14 3AG
01594 825063
Di Webb

Liz Gardner

Website ManagerRegional Bee Inspector
Stephen Green
Andy Wattam