Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association
A warm welcome to Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association (GBKA). New members of all ages and experience are welcome to join us.
GBKA is a registered charity with the principal objective of promoting and furthering the craft of beekeeping. GBKA has been doing this for over 100 years and has members from all over Gloucestershire and its neighbouring counties.
GBKA is a member organisation of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA), the national organisation that provides a wide range of services to beekeepers including insurance, information, newsletters, examination programmes and legal advice.
The seven Branches of GBKA support beekeepers in their area and run their own programmes of meetings, talks, and training sessions. GBKA members can attend the meetings of any Branch.
February 2025
Friday 14th
19:30My journey so far by Simon the beekeeper C&G BKA, Uckington Village Hall, GL51 9SR Saturday 22nd
10:00 – 16:00GBKA Spring Lecture day, County honey show & AGM South Gloucestershire
Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall, GL9 1AUSaturday 22nd British Beekeeping Show Telford International Centre Thursday 27th Anaphylaxis by Dr Phillips Newent Community Centre (Glebe Chapel) March 2025
Tuesday 4th
19:30Reading the colony by Margaret Murdin Zoom. Stroud beekeeping Friday 14th
19:30Getting ready for spring by Stewart Spinks (Norfolk Honey Company) C&G BKA, Uckington Village Hall, GL51 9SR Thursday 27th
19:30Honeybee swarms by Jim Vivian-Griffiths Newent Community Centre (Glebe Chapel)
GBKA 2025 Spring Lecture Day, County Honey Show and AGM
Saturday, February 22nd. Hosted by the South Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association at Hawkesbury Upton Village Hall, GL9 1AU. This year we have three exciting talks from two speakers (Professor Francis Ratnieks and Brigit Strawbridge) covering the Ivy Bee, integrated Varroa control and the life cycle of our native bumblebees and solitary bees. Read more….
Royal Three Counties Show 2024
Online entry to the Royal Three Counties Honey Show is now available (closing date May 15th). The theme for this year’s Bees & Honey Show is ‘The Beekeeping Year’ organised by Worcestershire on behalf of the three counties of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Read more…
Asian Hornet Sightings
Confirmed Asian Hornet Sightings

March | 2 sightings |
April | 3 sightings |
May | 13 sightings |
June | 2 sightings |
July | 1 sighting |
August | 7 nests |
September | 12 nests |
October | 2 nests |
November | 3 nests |

- There is now evidence of nests reaching maturity and successfully overwintering (2023/24) in South East England.
- The hornets trapped in Four Oaks, Kent are offspring of a nest destroyed in East Rye, Kent (Nov. 2023).
- A hornet trapped in Denton, Kent is an an offspring of a nest destroyed in Alkham, Kent (Oct. 2023).
- Some hornets trapped in Kent are related to hornets trapped the previous year – possibly suggesting they are from an undetected 2023 nest.
- Hornets from the destroyed small primary nest found near Canterbury, Kent also appeared to be unrelated to any of the previously known nests. They were all triploid (queen mated with a single diploid drone) and unlikely to be fertile.
- As of 5/11/24, 24 primary and secondary nests have been reported. Thirteen secondary nests (mainly in Kent and Sussex with one in Hampshire) have been found and destroyed.

Do you have land suitable for bees or an apiary?
If so please contact your local GBKA association secretary here.